1. assist  (v.) 協助;幫助

     As a new mannger, you will be require to attend all regional meeting and assist the vice president with monthly sales report.


* assist 亦可以做不及物動詞用,例如:The sales department will be make the presentation, but they need the marketing department to assist with answering questions.(這份簡報將由業務部來做,但是回答問題的部分需要行銷部從旁協助)

同: help (v.) 幫助;幫忙

   aid   (v.) 援助 ;幫助

反: hinder (v.) 阻礙;妨礙

   obstruct (v.) 阻撓;妨礙

衍: assistant (n.) 助手;助理


2. compile  (v.) 編輯;彙編;彙整

   Your next task will be to compile a list of the top 100 eletronics companies in Japan.


同:collect  (v.) 收集;蒐集;整理

反:distribute (v.) 分配;分發;分布


3.  file  (v.)  歸類;存檔

      These letters should be filed according to the sender, not according to the date.


* file  亦可以作名詞用,指「檔案」、「卷宗」、「文件夾」,例如:a confidential file「秘密檔案」

同:classify (v.) 把....分類; 把....分級

      catalog (v.) 編目錄;登記分類


4.  fill out  (v.) 填寫(表格、申請書等)

    If you need to take a day off, please fill out this form and give it to Mr.Renard in the human resources department.


同:fill in  (v.) 填入;填寫

      You need to fill in this job application before the interview.



5. obtain  (v.) 獲得;得到;取得

     We decide not to open an office in London because it was so diffcult to obtain the necessary local pernits.


同: acquire  (v.) 取得;獲得;學得(知識、技術等)

       gain  (v.) 獲得;贏得

       procure  (v.) 獲得;取得;弄到

       attain  (v.) 獲得;達成

       secure  (v.) 取得;獲得;使安全;使牢固

 反: relinquish  (v.) 放棄(權力、職位等)

        forfeit  (v.) (因違反協意 犯規等)喪失;失去


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