1.prepare (v.) 準備;備齊;籌備
Jesse prepared an information packet for the new client that included a product catalog and the company history.
*prepare 亦可作不及物動詞用,例如:They are prepareing for the presentation this afternoon.「他們正在為今天下午的簡報做準備。」
衍:preparation (n.)準備;預備
make preparation (for) (為...)做準備
preparatory (adj.) 預備的;準備的
a preparatory meeting 一場預備性的會議
2. submit (v.) 提交;呈遞;使服從;屈服
Requests for office supplies must be submitted to the office manager at least a week before the supplies are needed.
同:present (v.)提出
tender (v.) (用於正式的)提出
The minister has tendered his resignation to the premier
反:withdraw (v.) 收回;撤回
衍:submission (n.) 呈送;提交
submissive (adj.) 順從的;服從的
3.cross-reference (v.) 前後參照
Make sure you cross-reference all of your sources and add them to your bibiography.
*cross-reference 亦可作 cross-refer。另,做為名詞用法時應寫成 cross reference,即為一複合名詞,cross指「交叉」,reference 指「參照」。
4.type (v.) 打字
May I write it by hand, or would you prefer me to type it up on the computer?
*type 坐名詞用時指「類」、「型」、「樣式」,例如:The CEO is the type of person I admire 「執行長正是我佩服的那一類型的人。」
衍:typical (adj.) 典型的;具代表性的
5.dateline (n.) 截止日期;最後期限
We were not able to meet the dateline because of manufacturing delays.
*請注意力句中meet的用法。在這裡meet有fulfill「履行(責任)、satisfy「滿足(需要)」之意,例如:Does our service meet your expectations?「我們的服務是否符合您的期待?」